Saturday 21st July 2018
Hemingford Grey to St Ives
1.5 miles, 1 lock
Yes we were going back to St Ives again! Sadly things did not quite go to plan as will become evident later.
If you use glass cafetieres and don't want to read all the blog please scroll down to the passage in red - IT NEEDS TO BE SEEN AND A WARNING PASSED ON TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE.
First past the church in Hemingford Grey with its octagonal 'turret' on top of the square tower. I will try to pay the church a visit and see if I can find out anything of its history at our next visit.
Just the one lock, but with one large cruiser ahead of us - too big for us both to go with him, so we let him go ahead whilst
we played the waiting game - the shade was with Sue, so she gained a supervisor.
There was plenty to keep us amused - first three swimmers arrived just as we had entered the lock and
they asked us to let them in so they could climb out up the steps - first time we have had swimmers sharing a lock. Out they got
and went on their way to St Ives. They had started at Houghton, so a 2-3 mile swim - not for the faint-hearted. The husband of the lady on the left was going to meet them when they arrived. And what do they keep in their bags? A phone, flip flops and dry clothes!
Next came a party of canoeists - first a lady with all the paddles
followed by three of these to be handled with care
Sue and Ken stopped on the GOBA moorings whilst we went round to see if there was space at the Waits (we needed water). There was a mass of cruisers there, but nothing behind them, so Chris made the long reverse (with working bow thruster this time!) and there we stayed for the next 48 hours - well just over if the truth be told.
First stop for me was the pharmacist to see what I could get for my bites. Concern was expressed that they might be infected and that I might be best to go to minor injuries - just a mere 12 miles away. I left with cream and strict instructions to go and get help if there was no improvement by the next day. There was, so a long taxi ride (and NHS time) was saved. A quick Waitrose shop for essentials and then we retired to the boat as I still needed to keep inside as much as possible, so it was a sort of nothing day.
Sunday 22nd June 2018
St Ives
This really is a busy little town. First thing in the morning there was an outdoor church service by the Norris Museum. Also just look at those flowers - someone must tending them well.
They are a riot of colour
A big Waitrose shop was the order of the morning and once again we retreated inside away from bugs and heat, but we were suitably entertained without leaving the boat. I believe this occurs most Sundays in July and August and makes use of the gazebos and chairs put out for the morning service.
There was a good sized audience
This was our view - a perfect place to listen without the crowds
Boats started to move off mid afternoon, so Ken and Sue moved Cleddau up to join us.
We have stern lockers which makes getting on and off relatively easy - not so Cleddau - the ladder had to be deployed.
That evening the four of us walked round to the Town Quay
It is our last night together until 10/11th August, so we decided to treat ourselves to a meal at Amore. We all had different things and every plate was scraped clean. It is not the cheapest place in town, but we reckon it was worth every penny and would go back.
The sun was setting when we came out to make our way back to our boat for coffee.
The town quay really is a rather magical setting and I glad to say that they seem to have had a clean up of all the swan poo.

It was after we got back that it all went wrong. Chris was plunging the cafetiere when it exploded. Yes I kid you not - a true explosion. Hot coffee went all over his face and chest (thankfully he had his glasses on) and coffee, glass and grounds were all over the place. First things first - cold water flannels for Chris' face and chest, then ice packs and burn reliever from the first aid box. A clean shirt was provided and ice to try and keep things cool. Next to sort out the mess. I moved the biggest bits of glass, but there were not many of them and after sustaining a couple of very minor cuts I folded up the two mats and put them in a nearby bin. I am not sure they would ever have come clean, but it was the glass that was the biggest problem. We were glad that Sue and Ken were there to offer advice, sympathy and moral support. Not the way we planned to end this phase of our joint venture this year.
Today (Friday 27th July) Chris has still not been able to shave and we think it will be a while before he can do so. His nose and lips are less swollen, but are still sore. He has been to the Minor Injuries clinic and has dressings on his chest. We now own a stainless steel cafetiere for the boat and will get one for home in due course. If you do use a glass one, I would advise plunging when it is in the sink and stand well back.
Monday 23rd July 2018
The Waits, St Ives to The GOBA moorings, St Ives
0.25 mile, 0 locks
Our 48 hours would be up around 10:30. We were supposed to be heading east through St Ives with Cleddau. They were heading along the Old West River, whilst we had intended to stop at Holywell - a place yet to be explored. However, after the events of last night we had no intention of going anywhere we didn't need to. First job was to get some advice and supplies from a pharmacy. I called the council to ask if we could overstay for a few hours 'No problem' came the cheery reply. I am not sure they would have noticed even if I had not asked, but it is not something we do unless we are up against it. A quick trip round the corner to the GOBA moorings where it was a little cooler and yet another day inside the boat to keep Chris's skin out of the sun and me away from biting things, Not what we had planned at all.

We were due in Hartford Marina on Wednesday to collect a hire car on Thursday for a quick trip home for family events at the weekend. Neither of us had the heart to pootle about unnecessarily, so a couple of calls were made and both marina and car hire were brought forward by a day. There are times when you just want to go home.
Tuesday 24th July 2018
GOBA Moorings St Ives to Hartford Marina
3.5 miles, 2 locks
The first lock (Hemingford Grey) was against us despite a boat leaving a couple of minutes before we arrived, but those two minutes were long enough for the gates to be shut and for the process of turning the lock for a boat coming down to have started. To be fair they probably hadn't seen us.
By the time we were in we were joined by another narrow boat - so much easier with two.
We also shared the lock at Houghton - completely deserted today.
In no time at all we were at Hartford Marina.
It is nice and easy to get into and it is
It is more like a lake than a marina!
We have a lovely mooring with the exit just beyond the bow,
plenty of space behind us
and probably the best side hatch view we have ever had in a marina.
We were made very welcome and the staff are excellent. All the boat owners that walked past said hello, but despite all that we might think twice about stopping here again and that is purely due to the location of the mooring in relation to grass for Monty, rubbish bins, loos etc. It is a long, long pontoon to walk round last thing at night and first thing in the morning. Also a decent dog walk is non existent. Having said all that the boat is safe and secure and we will only be on the boat for two nights before we resume cruising next Monday, by which time we hope Chris' wounds will have healed a bit more.
For now we are at home for a family barbecue for 11 this evening (we are bound to get a thunder storm at just the wrong moment) and 9 of us are off to see Matilda in Birmingham tomorrow (today when you read this). We have three July birthdays and an anniversary to celebrate. The cake has been bought and bubbly is in the fridge!