Monday, 20 April 2015

Family Outing & some thoughts about life jackets

Saturday 11th April 2015
Droitwich Spa Marina to Stoke Works
3.25 miles, 11 locks

Just a quick trip back to Stoke Works accompanied by our daughter, son in law, their two boys (the Bromsgrove Boys) and our eldest granddaughter from Derby.  The sun shone, the journey was uneventful, but fun which was the aim of the game.  This was a first trip to include locks for the younger of the Bromsgrove Boys.  He is now 3.5 and was up for helping for a while. There were plenty of people to help him watch a DVD when boredom set in!  The other two Derby grandchildren were supposed to be with us, but sadly missed out due to upset tummies which don't go well with boating!  Just a few photos for posterity.

 Just to show that Monty has not forgotten his 'locking drill'!

Now to life jackets.  I was doing a stint of volunteer lock keeping on Easter Monday and somehow (I still don't really know how) I ended up in the canal just below a lock.  Because I was on duty for the C&RT I was wearing a life jacket.  The water was very deep and I have to say that I was very glad that the life jacket did it's stuff and popped me up to the surface.  I must have hit my leg on the underside of a boat I although I did not realise I had hurt myself until I had 'squelched' my way the mile back to the car! It is still being dressed as it became infected, but it is on the mend.  I visited minor injuries the next day and they gave me a tetanus booster (something we had not thought of).  I am a good swimmer, but the shock of unexpectedly finding myself underwater really made me appreciate the life jacket. We always wear ours on big rivers & at sea (well the Wash!), but at no other time.  It has made me wonder if we should round locks - particularly long flights.  It was dry underfoot & I had sensible shoes on, so it can happen any time.  Food for thought perhaps?

If the boaters I was with read this - thank you for your help and concern - it was really appreciated, especially escorting me back to our car.

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