Thursday, 15 March 2018

Guide Dog Oakley on nb Sola Gratia

I am sure quite a few of my readers might have come across Tim, Tracey and Oakley on their travels, but for those who haven't do look out for them.  Oakley is the only 'peripatetic guide dog in the country - they usually are based in a home and learn certain routes.  Oakley guides Tracey into many different towns and villages and most importantly keeps her safe whilst she works the locks for Tim.  Oakley is clever enough to write his own blog - I think it is well worth a read.

Sadly today Tracey had the misfortune to meet a totally ignorant woman.  Oakley had told the tale in his blog and they have asked that we share it with as many people as possible, so please go and look - Here - Oakleys blog.